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Created by Tim Gomperts on June 20, 2017
Modified by Timothy Gomperts on July 24, 2017

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Medicine, especially General Internal Medicine, is a team sport. The strength of our Division lies in the diversity, talent and compassion of its members. Historically, we have celebrated the importance of teamwork in terms of the quality of healthcare we deliver to our patients, emphasizing the value of care coordination and communication. But, as this latest issue of Generally Speaking emphasizes, teamwork is also invaluable in providing support and care for the members of the Division themselves. Recognizing the importance of career development and support, the DGIM has launched several initiatives to support our faculty and staff members. In this issue, Susan Hata writes about her experience as a DGIM Balint Scholar. The Balint model is a group-based experience sharing program that promotes resiliency and personal growth. Karen Carlson has been leading a program here at MGH and our Balint Scholar program is designed to further expand the availability of these groups. Other examples of DGIM members helping DGIM members abound, including clinical faculty teaching retreats, happiness heros, annual career conferences, and research affinity groups. Assuring the well-being of the members of our Division is as important a part of our mission as assuring the health of our patients. Enjoy!

Read more articles from the Summer 2017 edition of Generally Speaking

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