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Created by Tim Gomperts on June 20, 2017
Modified by Timothy Gomperts on July 24, 2017

2017 SGIM Annual Meeting

In late April, many DGIM members made the trip to Washington, DC to take part in the 2017 SGIM Annual Meeting. Once again, our division had a strong showing, with DGIM members and their work being showcased throughout the meeting. In total, over 70 DGIM members were involved in presentations, workshops, symposiums, and/or interest groups. Additionally, our annual DGIM dinner was a highlight of the trip, as it always is. 

Dr. Jessica Zeidman presenting her research
Dr. Jessica Zeidman presenting her research
Dr. Jessica Zeidman presenting her research
Dr. Jessica Zeidman presenting her research
Drs. Seth Berkowitz, Helen Delichatsios, Sara Kalkhoran, and Arpna Patel during the DGIM’s annual dinner.
Drs. Seth Berkowitz, Helen Delichatsios, Sara Kalkhoran, and Arpna Patel during the DGIM’s annual dinner.
Drs. Seth Berkowitz, Helen Delichatsios, Sara Kalkhoran, and Arpna Patel during the DGIM’s annual dinner.
Drs. Seth Berkowitz, Helen Delichatsios, Sara Kalkhoran, and Arpna Patel during the DGIM’s annual dinner.

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